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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

| EXTREME TALKING POINT | ~ Gamers - Is It So Hard to Be Quiet and Just Have Fun?

"Why Can't We Be Friends?"

I find it so interesting as to how so many gamers come on the Net every single day to rant and rave about their console of choice. I mean, seriously. The way some of them go up in arms and preach about their favorite console/company honestly would make you think that they have some family attachment to it.

My question is - why gamers? Why do we do this? Why must me relentlessly tear the house down over things like a certain console having launch titles running at 720p @ 30fps? Why must we set cars on fire, over third-party developers bringing exclusives to a system that probably isn't our favorite? Why must me break glass displays and loot stores over wanting a certain company to drop out of the hardware race, and go third-party and bring their games to the "more powerful systems".

I find it mind-boggiling, as to the way some users carry on around sites like Eurogamer, IGN and N4G. If someone dares insult the PS4 or Sony - the virtual bazookas come out. If Yoshida makes a snarky comment about XBOX One, Sony fans laugh like a bar full of drunk pirates. And let there be an "analyst" talk smack about Nintendo - everyone comes with guns, pitchforks and rocks to help beat down the already bruised guy. 

It just doesn't compute to me.

The level of negativity is so high, and maturity is so low - and it's as if it just keeps getting worse. How logical is it to have this deep devotion for a piece of metal and plastic? An inanimate object. A machine. A machine - incapable of thought, displaying/having emotions, or speech. Why raise this thing to the high heavens as if it were some holy grail, throw rocks at it as if it were someone carrying the plague, or blast it with an RPG just because you don't like it? And worse more - attack strangers, complete strangers over the Internet, for not sharing the same likes/dislikes as you?

No sense - this makes.

At the end of the day; we're all the same. How so? We're all giving our hard earned money to multi-billion dollar comapnies, who really couldn't care less as to how much love we have for their products, that we're willing to carry on like wild animals to rant and rave on about them. Not even they have the same kind of mortal hatred for each other, the same way these fanboys do:

Microsoft Congratulating Sony on the Launch of the PS4.
Miymoto Playing a Vita

"Rising tide lifts all boats. Any time there is attention to the industry, any time there is attention to gaming it’s a good thing for us.
It takes a village of creativity to ultimately push technological boundaries. I think Nintendo has a great heritage in the business, they certainly surprised a lot of people with the success of the Wii. They’ve got great heritage in their first party development, and I’m interested to see what happens with it. But I think anything that draws attention to gaming is good for companies like us that live and die in this business, so I wish them a lot of success."
- Jack Tretton, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America

At the end of the day; fanboys will continue to rage, and these companies who they live to protect will continue to collaborate with each other and have tea parties. The only "console war" that's going on, is fanboy-infested sites like the ones I mentioned above.

It still makes no sense to me why people carry on like this and there's no doubt that as this new generations continues to go forward - the rage will grow more and more. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting back and laughing with a nice bowl of popcorn, like some of the employees at these companies do. Makes a good show.

As to why some gamers feel the need to do this, I'm not sure. Is it because they have a personality equivalent to that of an empty shell and feel the need to fill it by causing misery for others? Or maybe they're trying to justify the hundreds of dollars they had to fork over for the product they now own/will own? I'm not really sure.

What I am sure of, is that it's a waste of time, and a perfect example of how to be a really ignorant jerk. But oh well. Life continues. Money is still entering the pockets of the owners of these companies and developers of these games. And we, are still arguing over "better". Go ahead. Hope you find what you're looking for. In the mean time, I'll living the life of an actual gamer; someone who simply enjoys playing video games. 


  1. Kamille10:50 PM

    never. The internet would have to go down first!

  2. Diago5:36 AM

    Listen dummy..

    Microsoft came out of the blue did anything and everything last generation to fire their B grade instalbase up to attack and downgrade Sony and its suporters, big bucks went to trashy marketing tactics and the media got paid off, it got very dark for hardcore Playstation gamers.

    Now with this new generation Sony is doing an incredible job, that the money hatted bad mouthing media is looking obviously bias and out of sync with what is actually happening, Sony is blowing Microsoft out of the water with its hardware and service..

    The PS hardcore notice this and won't let Microsoft nor its green goblins from the hook, its payback time, for years to come, then goof balls like you start crying uncle.

    You already forgot what Microsoft pushed down your throats, the aware are not.

    Game on sucker.

  3. Considering that I never really got caught up into the journalism of gaming until about a year ago; I was unaware about the tactics that MS has employed. But that wasn't my point.

    My point was that the sheer amount of barbaric behavior that the gamer-fanboys of each of the three (or four, I should say) sides is completely unnecessary and senseless.
