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Sunday, August 11, 2013

| EXTREME TALKING POINT | ~ The Wii U's Peril - Too Late to Save or Too Soon to Declare Done?

It's been almost a year from since Nintendo launched the Wii U and it's been over half the year that the system has been flogged on all sides from journalists, analysts, gamers, and unfortunately - even developers. No doubt - the Wii U isn't doing so hot right now. It hasn't been doing so hot from since the end of 2011.

Is this system really going to be a modern-day Virtual Boy or Dreamcast - or will it be another 3DS?
The main thing that caused the Wii U to tank is it's lack of support. It's no rocket science or sacred secret - software sells hardware - and Nintendo is a developer/publisher ~ that has a really good amount of hardware-selling software. With IPs like Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Starfox, Kid Icarus, Kirby, DK, Yoshi, Smash Bros., Fire Emblem, and so much more under it's belt ~ Nintendo has no shortage of games. But the Wii U's release schedule has been dry. Why? Because Nintendo takes pride in their titles. So much pride that they're determined to check, re-check and check again to make sure that when they're released - it's pure gold.

Although that's a good thing - it's the main ailment to many of their systems. Big first-party titles are launched far in between each other. So while they can boost sales,  it comes in short, distant bursts. How can that be fixed? Well - Nintendo can just make their games faster. But then they'd lack quality. So what else? They can get a good amount of third-party support. That may be laughable to many - but this-gen, it seems that Nintendo is quite determined to get third-parties on board with them. The 3DS and Wii U have had the best third-party support than any Nintendo systems prior. While the 3DS is drowning in games, Wii U is begging for them. That's why Nintendo needs to pull back the throttle on 3DS and pay more attention to Wii U. 

And well - they are. As of this month - Nintendo has one major release coming every month to Wii U:

- The Wonderful 101 (August)
- Wind Waker HD (September)
- Sonic Lost World (October)
- Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (November)
- Super Mario: 3D World (December)

It's good to see that Nintendo is trying a "3DS Maneuver" by bringing the titles that are most likely to boost sales - but more is needed. Nintendo could sell the U on first-party titles alone, but it still needs third-party titles. For the most part, major third-party titles are coming to the system - but is it enough? 

- Batman: Arkham Origins
- ACIV: Black Flag
- Watch Dogs
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist
- CoD: Ghosts
- Disney Infinity
- Skylanders: SWAP Force
- Scribblenauts: Unmasked
- LEGO Marvel Heroes

So in the end - the Wii U has the games. But is it enough? With the XBOX One and PS4 on the near horizon - can Nintendo really turn things around with the Wii U and boost sales enough to get third-parties like Rockstar, Bethesda, Ubisoft, and even EA looking at the system again? The system is in peril - and there is a way out - but will it make it?


  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    wii u is fine, who cares about the other systems or those companies?

  2. Wii U will be fine. You guys are hyping up a mountain out of a molehill. Nintendo games ALWAYS move units. This isn't their first rodeo, so to speak.

    Even with the deck stacked against them with all the negative press/insults and lack of coverage of AAA games like The Wonderful 101, the Wii U will still sell gangbusters. ALL CONSOLES START OUT SLOW, ESPECIALLY WII U BECAUSE OF NO GAMES AT FIRST.

    The media is extremely hypocritical- Wii U has sold over 1 million units MORE than Vita, and in half the time... yet it's Wii U that gets all the doom and gloom articles, and Vita that gets it's 1 good game a year hyped up to hell, while everyone mocks or ignores Nintendo's stellar games. Dragon's Crown was hyped all over the press months in advance. Where's coverage of The Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World, Zelda Windwaker HD or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze? All of which look like game of the year candidates, and miles ahead of Dragon's Crown...

    1. Very true.
      I don't get why ppl still praise Vitas potential future when Nintendo has almost knocked it out the market entirely . Sony now using the PS4 as a last attempt to make Vita successful. But that will cause its own problems for Sony later even if it works. But wont go into those details right now.
      WiiU jumped sales all just on Pikmin 3, and the next 9 months are filled with way higher profile titles. It'll be enough for WiiU to hold its own. If not win entirely.
      PS try Art Academy if u haven't yet. its awesome. PS4 probably wont do much like that

  3. People overlook the fact that Wii U is a revolutionary new console, and a really, really good one at that. They also tend to overlook that the Wii U lineup, EVERY SINGLE GAME, looks phenomenal- it's a lineup other platforms can only DREAM of boasting in their lifespans.

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  5. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The games are coming, that's all what matters now. The Wii U will do just fine, if it turns a healthy profit for Nintendo I don't think the top brass or the fans will give a monkeys.

    Let Sony and Microsoft bang it out, and whilst that is going on, Nintendo can grow in their own right.
